UPDATED. 2024-11-13 08:25 (수)
LG TV boss company welcomes Samsung joining OLED TV space
LG TV boss company welcomes Samsung joining OLED TV space
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2022.01.05 14:05
  • 댓글 0
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LG will maintain lead even if competitor joins in OLED TV sector, Park says
Image: LG Electronics
Image: LG Electronics

LG Electronics’ TV boss said on Tuesday that the company would “welcome” Samsung joining the OLED TV market.

Park Hyoung-sei, head of home entertainment at LG Electronics, said if Samsung Electronics joins the OLED TV market, it will impact the expansion of the ecosystem "positively."

Park also stressed that LG Electronics would maintain its superiority in the sector even if more competitors join in in the market.

Samsung is yet to confirm whether it is planning to launch OLED TVs this year.

Meanwhile, Park also showcased LG Electronics’ OLED TV lineup this year, which will range from 42-inch and 97-inch in sizes. A total of eight sizes will be offered.

LG Electronics is also planning to expand its OLED Evo TV lineup, its premium OLED brand this year.

The brand has one series with three models last year but will have two series and eleven models this year, the executive said.

LG offers its OLED TV in G, C, B and A model names __ G is the highest tier and A the lowest.

Meanwhile, Samsung last launched its own OLED TV in 2013, but scrapped the line the following year.

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