UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
TES’ GPE equipment passes Samsung Foundry’s quality test 
TES’ GPE equipment passes Samsung Foundry’s quality test 
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.01.10 17:54
  • 댓글 0
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Equipment likely to be used in P3 fab
Image: TES
Image: TES

Semiconductor deposition and etching equipment firm TES’ gas-phase etching equipment (GPE) has passed Samsung Electronics’ quality test, TheElec has learned.

It is highly like that the fab equipment maker will supply the GPE equipment to Samsung Foundry within the year.

GPE equipment is a dry etching equipment that uses hydrogen fluoride to etch the oxide layer on the surface of wafers.

TES has been supplying GPE equipment for use in memory chip production to Samsung and SK Hy nix since 2010.

Samsung uses suppliers TES and Tokyo Electron for the equipment, with the latter supplying more of them.

TES has been developing a version of the equipment for use in foundry, which is more difficult as customers usually want a customized version of them that meets the requirements for the logic chips they produce.

Samsung has been using GPE equipment for foundry from Tokyo Electron, almost exclusively, so far.

TES’ equivalent equipment passed the demo test by Samsung in 2020. The latest quality test was completed in November. This means TES can start manufacturing the equipment.

Samsung will likely use the equipment for its new fab, P3, which is being constructed at Pyeongtaek.

Meanwhile, TES is also developing chemical vapor deposition equipment for foundry as well. The kits are expected to pass Samsung’s quality test within 2022.

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