UPDATED. 2024-09-05 22:55 (목)
Skaichips to launch Series A funding round in February 
Skaichips to launch Series A funding round in February 
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.01.17 15:46
  • 댓글 0
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Startup offers RF wireless charging tech
Image: Skaichips
Image: Skaichips

System chip startup Skaichip said on Monday that it will launch its Series A funding round next month.

The company, founded in April 2019, offers wireless charging technology that uses radio frequency (RF).

Unlike current wireless charging that requires devices to be close by to the charger, Skaichip’s technology shoots a RF ray to offer wireless charging at a longer distance.

The startup said it was also considering applying AI to its technology to increase efficiency of how the RF ray is transmitted.

Skaichip is also researching energy harvesting technology, where low-power devices such as remote controls can charge on their own by collecting power around them.

The company received 3 billion won in funding in its Pre-Series A funding round.

Skaichip CEO Lee Kang-yoon told TheElec that the company had so far done contract work for customers but is planning to launch its own brand within the year.

Lee said the startup believes it has growth potential in smart watch, IoT and other lower-power device sectors.

The CEO was one of the founding members of South Korean chip firm GCT. He is currently also a professor at Sungkyunkwan University’s department of electrical engineering.

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