UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Samsung Display to mass produce panels for Galaxy Fold: V.P.
Samsung Display to mass produce panels for Galaxy Fold: V.P.
  • Jongjun LEE
  • 승인 2019.06.20 10:00
  • 댓글 0
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Executive says the firm is on “standby”
Samsung Display Vice President Kim Seong-cheol speaks at the Korean Information Display Society forum on June 18.
Samsung Display Vice President Kim Seong-cheol speaks at the Korean Information Display Society forum on June 18.

Samsung Display Vice President Kim Seong-cheol said on June 18 that the firm is “on standby” to roll out panels for the upcoming launch of the delayed Galaxy Fold.

At the Korean Information Display Society forum held in Seoul, he also said that the phone now appears ready to hit the market.

Samsung’s first foldable smartphone was originally scheduled to launch in April, but has been put on delay due to quality issues.

Touching upon relevant display technologies, Kim said the OLED panel industry will now evolve around foldable, unlike the past 15 years when the industry developed from rigid to flexible displays.

The executive added that in terms OLED production capacity, Chinese manufacturers would likely get ahead of their Korean rivals by 2020. “We plan to engage in a technological competition, and not a competition of production.”

As key foldable display technologies being developer or already in the markets, Kim cited low stress layers, film modules, precision alignment and curl and delamination.

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