UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
DB HiTek spending on fab equipment in 2021 hikes from high demand
DB HiTek spending on fab equipment in 2021 hikes from high demand
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.03.25 09:44
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49.3 billion won in Q4
Image: DB HiTek
Image: DB HiTek

DB HiTek had spent more than it initially planned on fab equipment in 2021 thanks to the high demand for its 8-inch foundry services.

The company said on Wednesday it spent 49.3 billion won in equipment during the fourth quarter last year.

It has already spent 65.9 billion won in equipment up to the third quarter last year.

DB HiTek said it expects to spend an additional 77.3 billion won in equipment this year.

The South Korean chipmaker had been expanding its production capacity by modifying its existing 8-inch foundry fabs at Bucheon and Eunseong.

Chips such as power management ICs and microcontroller units, which are used in automobiles and appliances, are conventionally made through 8-inch wafers.

DB HiTek had previously said its two fabs were running at full capacity.

The company recorded 1.21 trillion won in revenue and 399.1 billion won in operating profit last year, an increase of 29.8% and 66.8%, respectively, from 2020.

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