UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Fab equipment maker DI considering entering ESS market 
Fab equipment maker DI considering entering ESS market 
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.04.14 17:14
  • 댓글 0
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Firm likely to leverage its burn-in tester tech
Image: DI
Image: DI

Computing chip inspection equipment maker DI was considering developing energy storage systems (ESS) as its new growth engine, TheElec has learned.

ESS is comprised of battery cells and power management systems and is used to store power.

They are in high demand to be paired with new energy sources such as solar and wind energies.

According to analyst firm SNE Research, the global ESS market was worth US$1.3 billion but is expected to grow on average 30% every year up to 2030 when it is expected to be worth US$24.3 billion.

DI currently specializes in chip inspection equipment as well as stress testers such as burn-in testers.

As these accounted for 84% of its revenue last year, the company is seeking a new growth engine such as the lithium-ion battery sector which is experiencing high growth from the increase in demand for electric vehicles.

Last year, DI formed a new subsidiary called DIV that focuses on the automation of lithium-ion battery production processes.

It also acquired lithium-ion battery machine vision inspection kit company V10System for 6 billion won.

Burn-in testers use chambers that can cause high and low temperatures, which can be used to design ESS that requires similar spaces that can withstand such temperatures.

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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
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