UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
Motion control firm Movensys aims to tap display, battery markets
Motion control firm Movensys aims to tap display, battery markets
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.04.18 14:58
  • 댓글 0
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To diversify revenue source out of chips, chairman says.
Company also developing IIoT sensors for predictive maintenance
Movensys chairman Yang Boo-ho Image: TheElec
Movensys chairman Yang Boo-ho Image: TheElec

Motion control company Movensys is aiming to expand into the display panel and lithium-ion battery markets.

Company chairman of the board Yang Boo-ho told TheElec that the company is planning to upgrade its motion control solution with machine learning and data analysis to achieve this while also offering new Industrial IoT (IIoT) sensors for new revenue.

Movensys’ motion control solution is completely based on software, which means customers only need their PCs to apply them in their factories, Yang said.

It has its own software architecture for this so it will be difficult for rivals to imitate Movensys’ solution, the chairman said.

Movensys’ motion control technology is called WMX and can be used to control various factory equipment at high speed and in multiple angles through a Windows PC.

Customers don’t need to buy additional hardware to change their motion controller setup like those in PLC-based systems. The company’s customer base is mostly fab equipment makers.

Yang said Movensys was customizing its solutions so that setting up equipment and coding becomes simpler so that those in other sectors besides semiconductors can have easy access.

Meanwhile, machine learning and data analysis are being added to these solutions to realize a predictive maintenance feature. IIoT sensors are a core element of this and substantive development has been made so that the company can commercialize them, Yang said.

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