Hana Technology said on Thursday that it has won a turn-key order worth 90.8 billion won from battery maker Britishvolt to supply them with back-end formation equipment.
It is the second European customer the South Korean equipment maker has secured. Last year, Hana Technology garnered Norway’s Freyr as a customer for its equipment.
Britishvolt, based in the UK, is planning to build an electric vehicle and energy storage system battery factory in Northumberland. It is aiming for an annual production capacity of 35GWh by 2027.
The UK firm is also planning to collaborate with Italvolt to spend US$4 billion to build a factory in California, which it says will have an annual production capacity of 54GWh.
Hana Technology is aiming to expand its equipment production capacity per year to 700 billion won to meet the demand for its kits.