UPDATED. 2024-10-09 10:30 (수)
Key Foundry launches new PMIC foundry service that doesn’t use epitaxial layer
Key Foundry launches new PMIC foundry service that doesn’t use epitaxial layer
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.06.09 14:58
  • 댓글 0
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0.18-micron NON-EPI BCD
Image: Key Foundry
Image: Key Foundry

Key Foundry said on Thursday that it has launched a new foundry service for power management ICs (PMIC) that doesn’t use an epitaxial layer on the wafer.

The company said its new 0.18-micron 30V NON-EPI BCD (bipolar-CMOS-DMOS) process offers the same performance as similar processes that do use epitaxial layers.

Epitaxial (EPI) layers are micrometers thick, single-crystal layers that are very pliable, allowing them to be made for specific functions.

Key Foundry’s latest foundry service offers 5V to 30V in operating voltage. 

It was optimal for power management ICs that require high reliability and high efficiency, the company said and can be used for low-power PMICs such as DC-DC IC, charger ICs and others.

As the service doesn’t have EPI process, the company upped the process efficiency and offers 5V LDMOS for a 5V power block for efficiency design, Key Foundry added.

It also offers logic devices with the same characteristics as its EPI BCD process, which means customers can use the same digital library and IP as its 0.18-micron BCD process. MTP and OTP IP can also be used without adding additional process steps.

Key Foundry said it also meets the AEC-Q100 Grade-1 standard, so it can be used for automotive applications. It can also be applied to PMICs that require memory functions.

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