UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
LG Innotek shares car motor patents with Mando
LG Innotek shares car motor patents with Mando
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.06.29 17:00
  • 댓글 0
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Pair to collaborate on technologies 
Image: LG Innotek, Mando
Image: LG Innotek, Mando

LG Innotek has shared its patents related to car motors with auto parts maker Mando, TheElec has learned.

The move likely signals that the pair plan to work together in developing technologies to expand in the electric vehicle (EV) and autonomous vehicle markets.

LG Innotek had shared four of its US patents in January and six of them in South Korea in April.

The group of patents is considered family patents and the LG Innotek is expected to share more related ones in other countries such as China with Mando going forward.

The patents include sealing cover and actuator having the same, motor and brake device having the same, router for motor and actuator having the same, actuator, power device and others.

These technologies can be applied to all automobiles including combustible engine vehicles, EVs and autonomous vehicles. LG Innotek filed these patents between 2015 to 2016.

Mando had likely originally requested the development of these technologies and only belatedly found out that LG Innotek filed patents for them. 

The pair’s sharing of patents shows that rising danger of litigation in the automobile space as more cars adopt electric parts.

Most companies in the automobile industry had made patent pools and shared them together, but now new companies more traditionally linked to consumer electronics are entering the sector, increasing risk of litigation.

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