UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Samsung adds Wonik QnC as cleaning solution supplier for Taylor fab
Samsung adds Wonik QnC as cleaning solution supplier for Taylor fab
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.06.30 18:12
  • 댓글 0
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Along with original vendor Komico
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung has added Wonik QnC as a supplier of cleaning and coating solution along with the original sole vendor Komico for its planned fab in Taylor, Texas, TheElec has learned.

Wonik QnC was forming a local subsidiary in the US to meet Samsung’s demand, sources said.

Semiconductors and display panels are more vulnerable to contamination when the production time is prolonged. These cause lower yield rate and decreases product life spans.

Semiconductors also require coating to increase durability as they are exposed to various chemicals and high voltage during wafer fabrication.

Chipmakers procure various cleaning and coating solutions to solve these issues.

Samsung had used products from Komico for its fab in Austin, Texas, so far. South Korea’s Komico had been effectively the exclusive supplier for cleaning and coating solutions used in etching and deposition during wafer fabrication.

Last year, the Korean tech giant announced that it plans to spend 20 trillion won, around US$17 billion, to build another fab in nearby Taylor.

With the recent supply chain issues caused by the pandemic and economic downturn, Samsung is now attempting to diversify its supply chain for materials.

Wonik QnC and Cinos had shown interest in supplying their materials to the Korean tech giant, sources said.

They were actively in discussion with Samsung on the matter, they added.

Wonik QnC currently operates its cleaning and coating solutions in South Korea and China.

A Wonik QnC representative declined to comment.

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