UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
Samsung selling QD-OLED TV at lower price than LG’s W-OLED TV
Samsung selling QD-OLED TV at lower price than LG’s W-OLED TV
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.07.11 16:55
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According to analyst firm UBI Research
Around US$200 lower for models
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung Electronics was selling its key QD (quantum dot)-OLED TV model at a price point US$200 lower than its main competition W (white)-OLED TV made by rival LG Elecronics, analyst firm UBI Research says.

Samsung’s 65-inch QD-OLED TV model, S95B, was being sold for US$2,800 on BestBuy, compared to LG Electronics’ 65-inch W-OLED TV model, G2, as of June, the analyst firm noted.

S95B had a price tag of US$3,000 in May when it went on sale but Samsung has since dropped it, UBI Research said.

The price of G2 also dropped from US$3,200 to US$3,000 over the same time period, it said.

LG’s price tags for W-OLED TV series as of June were: US$2,000 for B2, US$2,500 for C2 and US$3,000 for G2.

They were priced at US$2,300, US$2,500 and US$3,200, respectively, in May.

In contrast, Sony’s QD-OLED TV of the same size, A95K, had been listed at a price of US$4,000 on the company’s homepage as of June, UBI Research said, significantly higher than Samsung’s.

Sony’s W-OLED TV, A80K, is also being sold at US$3,500, the firm noted.

A95K had the same price in May while A80K was Us$300 higher in the same month compared to its price in June.

Samsung was also putting its MiniLED TVs, called Neo QLED TV by the company, at a similar price point to OLED TVs, UBI Research said.

As of last month, QN85B, QN90B and QN95B models, all 65-inches in size, were priced at US$1,800, US$2,600 and US$3,300, slightly lower than their OLED counterparts.

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