UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
SK Siltron to complete new wafer factory in US next month 
SK Siltron to complete new wafer factory in US next month 
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.08.23 15:42
  • 댓글 0
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6-inch SiC wafer production capacity expands to 120,000 per year
Image: SK Siltron
Image: SK Siltron

SK Siltron is expected to complete its new silicon carbide (SiC) wafer factory in Michigan next month.

The South Korean wafer maker acquired Dupont’s SiC wafer business based in the US state in 2020, at the same time forming its subsidiary Siltron CSS there.

The subsidiary has been building a factory for the growing process __ where the silicon is melted and grown into ingots before being cut to wafers in Bay City, Michigan since then.

The completion of the factory next month will increase SK Siltron’s production capacity for 6-inch SiC wafers to 120,000 sheets per year.

SiC wafers are in increasing demand as they are optimal for power management ICs from their higher resistance to temperature and voltage compared to silicon wafers.

Meanwhile, SK Siltron is also developing capabilities to manufacture 8-inch SiC wafers with the aim to manufacture them starting in late 2023.

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