UPDATED. 2024-11-01 09:44 (금)
eMagin developing tandem microOLED, COO says
eMagin developing tandem microOLED, COO says
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.08.25 10:00
  • 댓글 0
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At IMID 2022
eMagin COO Amal Ghosh Image: TheElec
eMagin COO Amal Ghosh Image: TheElec

An executive of US firm eMagin said the company was also developing a tandem structure microOLED.

Tandem structure stacks at least two emission layers, which increases luminance efficiency and extends the life of OLED panels.

MicroOLED, meanwhile, uses a silicon wafer as the substrate to deposit the organic material instead of glass.

eMagin chief operating officer (COO) Amal Ghosh told audiences at IMIS 2022 (The 22nd International Meeting on Information Display) event held in Busan, South Korea said the technology is expected to take two to three years to be commercialized from now.

Ghosh said the company’s technology will use direct patterned technology in depositing the red, green and blue subpixels.

This means the panel won’t require a color filter, which increases luminance efficiency and increase the life span of the panel.

However, the red and green subpixels will be phosphorescence and the blue subpixel will be fluorescence, same as other tandem structures.

Phosphorescence pixels have 100% internal luminance efficiency while fluorescence ones have 25%. Companies are yet to commercialize blue pixels made with phosphorescence material.

Ghosh’s said eMagin’s technology will be more efficient than using white OLED with red, green and blue color filters __ a technology that is expected to be used on the microOLED on Apple’s mixed reality device launching next year.

eMagin explained the specification of its microOLED panel __ it will be 1920x1200 resolution, 2645pixels per inch, 9.6micrometers in color pixel pitch and 1.95x7.8micrometers subpixel with over 10,000nit in luminance.

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