UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Nextchip to launch prototype ADAS chip next year
Nextchip to launch prototype ADAS chip next year
  • Kang sung tae
  • 승인 2022.10.13 09:42
  • 댓글 0
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Apache 6
Image: Nextchip
Image: Nextchip

Nextchip is planning to launch a prototype of its new advanced driver assistance system (ADAS) chip Apache 6 next year.

The company had spent 14.4 billion won in research for the first half of this year and most of the funds went into the development of the SoC, company representatives said.

It is a successor to Apache 5 and like it uses neural processing units (NPU).

Nextchip’s earnings dipped this year due to China’s Zero Covid policy. China had accounted for half of its revenue so far with the other half from South Korea.

The company is aiming to expand its sales in Europe to offset the decline with new products like Apache 6.

The SoC utilizes Arm’s latest Automotive IP __ Cortex-A65AE Core CPU and Mali-G78AE GPU subsystems.

Apache 6 also supports Level 3 autonomous driving and will be made with Samsung 14-nanometer.

Europe is moving to have all new cars have ADAS for increased safety starting in 2024.

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