UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
Samsung adds Coasia Optics as supplier for UDC camera on Fold 4
Samsung adds Coasia Optics as supplier for UDC camera on Fold 4
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2022.10.24 15:35
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A continuation of cost saving
Image: Samsung
Image: Samsung

Samsung has begun procuring under-display cameras from new supplier Coasia Optics for the Galaxy Z Fold 4 foldable smartphones, TheElec has learned.

Fold 4 launched back in August and like its predecessor has a front camera that can be hidden under the display.

Samsung previously procured this camera module from Partron alone.

Coasia Optics was added sometime after Fold 4 launched, sources said.

The supplier had previously supplied Samsung with cameras for the Galaxy A series while last year it supplied them for the Galaxy S series for the first time.

Also earlier this year, it began supplying its first back camera, a 12MP ultra-wide, for the Galaxy A53 model. Coasia Optics had prior to this only supplied front cameras.

Samsung is continuing its efforts to reduce costs in its smartphone production as growth in the sector slows down and it is pressured by inflation.

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