UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
LG Innotek develops lenses that use glass and plastic for autonomous cars
LG Innotek develops lenses that use glass and plastic for autonomous cars
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2022.12.09 15:50
  • 댓글 0
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Thinner and smaller than wholly glass predecessors
Image: LG Innotek
Image: LG Innotek

LG Innotek said on Thursday that it has developed two lenses made out of both plastic and glass aimed at application in self-driving automobiles.

These new lenses are thinner by 20% to 30% and smaller than existing lenses made out of glass. 

But it maintains the same performance and being thinner means automobile makers will have more freedom when designing the interior of their cars.

Lenses previously used in self-driving cars are also made with reinforced glasses that can endure temperature and pressure, which increases their cost, LG Innotek said.

But its new lenses, by successfully mixing in plastic with the glass, reduce the cost, the company said, allowing car makers to spend less on lenses.

One lens is for advanced driver assistance systems and the other is for driver monitoring systems, the South Korean component said.

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