UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
SK Hynix beefs up maintenance role in chip production
SK Hynix beefs up maintenance role in chip production
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2023.01.17 15:49
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Chipmaker makes a new position for boost
SK Hynix Master Mah Kyung-ho Image: SK Hynix
SK Hynix Master Mah Kyung-ho Image: SK Hynix

SK Hynix has created a new high-level position for its maintenance department.

The chipmaker said on Monday that the area will now have a position called Master, the highest career level for those in the field.

Masters, the top position for equipment maintenance in wafer fabrication, will aim to leave memos and advice on in-house solutions for their successors, SK Hynix said.

The position won’t have a retirement age and they will advise executives on how to move forward in terms of maintenance, the South Korean chipmaker said.

Previously, the position now below Master called Craftsman was the top position.

Craftsman’s main role was to resolve problems and improve solutions on-site. Masters will be chosen among Craftsmen, SK Hynix said.

The company announced Mah Kyung-ho, who joined SK Hynix in 1997, as its first Master. It said it will nominate more going forward.

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