UPDATED. 2024-09-09 06:53 (월)
Lordin registers patent for blue OLED with 4 times light efficiency 
Lordin registers patent for blue OLED with 4 times light efficiency 
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.02.08 18:50
  • 댓글 0
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CEO claims tech superior to those from rivals in the US and Japan
Image: Lordin
Image: Lordin

OLED material company Lordin has registered a patent related to blue OLED that has four times the luminance efficiency than previously.

Lordin CEO Oh Hyoung-yun told TheElec on Wednesday that the technology on the patent was differentiated from those in the US and Japan.

The company was aiming to commercialize the technology on the patent in 2024, Oh added.

In 2021, when Lordin filed for the patent, the CEO told TheElec that the patent offers over 90% internal light emission efficiency in the blue OLED material.

This is triple that of the 25% in efficiency offered in current OLED panels used in smartphones and TVs, the CEO said.

To increase the efficiency to over 90%, single excitation and triple excitation, which account for 25% and 75%, respectively, of the light emission energy of OLED materials, must be used.

This has been possible for red and green OLED materials but currently commercialized blue OLED materials only use single excitation.

Conventionally, phosphorescence materials are used for red and green while fluorescence materials are used for blue in OLED panels.

However, Lordin’s blue OLED technology doesn’t use phosphorescence material. CEO Oh said the technology controls the energy transfer speed between molecules inside the material to increase efficiency.

The technology applies ZRIET, zero radius intra-molecular energy transfer. The energy transfer efficiency depends on the distance between the host and dopant but Lordin applied the mechanism that if the distance is close to zero the quantum efficiency of the molecule because irrelevant.

As the distance radius is zero, the company synthesized a material that keeps the host and dopant’s individual characteristics while maintaining an efficient energy transfer rate.

Conventional high-efficiency blue OLED dopes emission material on exciplex Lordin used two ingredients for the emission layer instead of the previous three, Oh said.

Lordin has so far registered four patents related to blue OLED and is planning to file for nineteen more, the CEO said.

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