UPDATED. 2024-10-15 17:05 (화)
Telechips to use Sapeon IP for autonomous driving AI SoC
Telechips to use Sapeon IP for autonomous driving AI SoC
  • Kang sung tae
  • 승인 2023.03.08 09:55
  • 댓글 0
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To be made with Samsung’s 5nm
Image: Telechips
Image: Telechips

Telechips is developing an AI SoC aimed at autonomous driving applications using IP from Sapeon, the AI chip subsidiary of SK Group, TheElec has learned.

The chip supports an advanced driver assistance system and will use Sapeon’s AI accelerator IP, sources said.

The chip will be manufactured using Samsung’s 5-nanometer (nm) processing node and the design house work will be given to Gaonchips.

Sapeon’s IP is the same one used in the X340 AI chip for the AI accelerator core.

Telechips is a fabless chip company specializing in chips for automobiles. The company’s main product is its application processor used on car’s in-vehicle infotainment systems.

Other products include multimedia chips, mobile TV receptor chips and connectivity modules.

Telechips supplied its audio processor for the first time for the IVI on the car made by a South Korean automobile maker back in April 2007. It expanded its market share in the IVI sector since then.

Telechips has its own AI chip subsidiary Mindintech, founded in 2018 and wholly owned that develops its own AI accelerator core.

It is unknown why Telechips would work with Sapeon when it has its own AI chip-developing business unit.

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