UPDATED. 2024-10-14 10:38 (월)
Jusung Engineering developing more ALD-based fab equipment
Jusung Engineering developing more ALD-based fab equipment
  • Jang Keyoung Yoon
  • 승인 2023.04.13 15:57
  • 댓글 0
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Tech to be applied to display panel and solar as well, CEO says
Image: Jusung Engineering
Image: Jusung Engineering

Jusung Engineering was on the cusp of wrapping up the development of new equipment that uses its atomic layer deposition (ALD) technology, CEO Hwang Chul-joo said on Thursday.

Some of the kits are a transistor deposition machine, an inorganic emission display deposition machine and manufacturing equipment for solar panels with over 35% power generation efficiency, Hwang said.

Jusung was founded in 1993 and its main equipment is a thin-film deposition machine used in semiconductor production.

In 2002, the company supplied its first ALD equipment for DRAM production to a chipmaker. 

ALD, as its name suggests, deposits films 0.1 nanometers thick, or on an atomic layer. 

The machinery is used for advanced chip making and is more accurate than chemical vapor deposition.

Its latest ALD equipment called Guidance, developed in 2020 has passed the quality test by a Taiwan foundry recently and an order is expected this year.

Gate-all-around, 3D DRAM and other next-generation chips are requiring more ALD machinery, Hwang said.

Jusung already has equipment for capacitors and its one for transistors will wrap up development soon, the CEO added.

Its ALD equipment for solar panels combined perovskite solar cells with planar heterojunction architecture that allows the high power generation efficiency of 35%, triple that of the currently common 12%, the CEO added.

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