UPDATED. 2024-10-14 10:38 (월)
Samsung Display to apply hybrid OLED tech on automotive display
Samsung Display to apply hybrid OLED tech on automotive display
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.05.23 18:01
  • 댓글 0
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For other revenue streams for tech besides Apple
Image: Samsung Display
Image: Samsung Display

Samsung Display is planning to apply its hybrid OLED technology in automotive display panels, TheElec has learned.

The South Korean display panel so far only supplied rigid OLED panels for its automobile customers.

The hybrid OLED panel is a step up from rigid OLED panels in that while it uses glass substrates like them it also uses thin-film encapsulation (TFE).

Instead of using two glass boards, the top board is replaced with TFE while the bottom board is made thinner. TFE is usually reserved for flexible panels that use a plastic board.

Because of the application of TFE and a thinner glass substrate, hybrid OLED can be made into curved panels, something that is difficult for rigid OLED panels.

Samsung Display is planning to mass-produce hybrid OLED panels for its Gen 6 A3 line

Its current mass production line, the Gen 5.5 A2, can only manufacture rigid OLED panels.

As the Gen 6 A3 uses larger substrates, it also produces more panels per substrate of those up to 30 inches or larger.

The size available is important as more car makers are requesting display panel makers to supply a uniform display panel that houses various features such as a dashboard and infotainment altogether.

Meanwhile, Samsung Display’s main purpose for A3 is to manufacture two-stack tandem, hybrid OLED panels for Apple’s future notebooks and tablets. The company is also looking for additional customers, sources said.

Rival LG Display already manufactures two-stack tandem, flexible OLED panels for its automotive customers.

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