UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
HB Technology to supply inspection kits to glass chip board maker SKC Absolics
HB Technology to supply inspection kits to glass chip board maker SKC Absolics
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.06.05 17:49
  • 댓글 0
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To inspect glass boards for chip packaging 
Image: Absolics
Image: Absolics

HB Technology will be supplying automated optical inspection (AOI) and repair equipment to glass substrate maker Absolics, a subsidiary of SKC, TheElec has learned.

It is a new revenue source for HB Technology, which never supplied inspection equipment for glass substrates for chip packaging before.

Its current main revenue sources come from inspection and repair machines for display panels and batteries. Its customers include Samsung Display, BOE, COST, Tianma as well as Samsung SDI and Samsung Electronics.

The company will be supplying its 2-micrometer pattern inspection equipment, 10-micrometer pattern inspection equipment, and laser repair machines.

HB Technology has started manufacturing the equipment and will begin delivery in October.

Absolics’ glass substrate for chip packaging is the industry’s first. It claims that glass can avoid warpage that can occur on chip boards made with organic materials. The company plans to start manufacturing these in 2024 at its factory in Covington, Georgia, US.

It is already manufacturing prototypes of the substrate at its pilot line at Gumi in South Korea.

Absolics is aiming to win customers such as Intel, Nvidia, AMD, Broadcom and other major chip makers.

Meanwhile, HB Technology is also developing a new inspection machine for OLED on silicon, a panel that will be used in mixed-reality devices.

The machine is expected to come with 0.3-micrometer heat insulating ink blocking, 0.5-micrometer metal ink circuit, under 1-micrometer patterning, 0.3 laser cutting and thin-film encapsulation and microlens inspection technologies. 

It is also developing a machine for use in chip on film module process. The machine is used to connect the handset display with the driver IC.

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