UPDATED. 2024-09-19 21:39 (목)
LG Display talks up OLEDoS for VR
LG Display talks up OLEDoS for VR
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.07.13 14:34
  • 댓글 0
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LEDoS more optimal for AR
Image: TheElec
Image: TheElec

LG Display believes that OLED on silicon (OLEDoS) technology was the most likely to be applied for virtual reality (VR) devices.

At the same time, for augmented reality (AR), LED on silicon (LEDoS) was the more likely technology to become mainstream, Lee Jung-il, LG Display team leader of its Best OLEDoS (BO) team, said at the Deep Tech Forum hosted by TheElec on Tuesday.

Lee outlined four technologies that will be used for microdisplays in extended reality devices: OLEDoS, LEDoS, liquid crystal on silicon (LCoS), and digital light processing.

AR devices used transparent glasses that made the eyes visible and what is called mixed reality (MR) devices used virtually the same technology as VR devices, Lee explained.

Apple’s Vision Pro unveiled last year, while it was called an MR device, was a VR device that used transparent glasses, he explained.

LCoS and digital light processing technologies were too weighty to be used in consumer devices, he said.

Microsoft’s Hololens used LCoS, while Hololens 2 used digital light processing, and the Hololens was so hefty that you couldn't tell if it was an AR and a VR device, the LG Display team leader said.

This indicated that these technologies will no longer be in use in reality devices going forward, Lee said.

In LEDoS, research into using blue LEDs and red and green quantum dots was the most active, he also said.

The blue LED goes through the red and green QD filters to express those colors.

For this technology to be commercialized, the QD filter needs to be thin and appropriate materials must be developed to realize the micro patterns, Lee said.

In LEDoS, a technology that stacks the RGB LED chips into one space was also in development, he added.

Meanwhile, LG Display was also uncertain about when an AR product with over 10,000 nits in brightness will appear in the market, though it will take over at least five years, Lee also said.

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