UPDATED. 2024-09-05 22:55 (목)
Samsung considering applying waterdrop hinge on foldable notebook
Samsung considering applying waterdrop hinge on foldable notebook
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2023.10.10 10:25
  • 댓글 0
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Samsung introduced the waterdrop hinge on its latest foldable smartphones Image: Samsung
Samsung introduced the waterdrop hinge on its latest foldable smartphones Image: Samsung

Samsung was considering applying the waterdrop hinge that it introduced with the Galaxy Z Fold 5 and Flip 5 on its foldable notebook launching next year, TheElec has learned.

Waterdrop hinge allowed the company’s latest foldables to have the sides folded more tightly while reducing the crease in the middle of the screen compared to before when it used U-shaped hinges.

However, applying this to notebooks could force Samsung to make them thicker than before.

Also, notebooks are used at more of a distance from the eyes compared to smartphones, the appeal of needing a waterdrop hinge is less.

Other companies that already launched foldable notebooks, such as LG Electronics and HP, are focusing on making their U-shaped hinges lighter.

Samsung originally planned to launch a foldable notebook last year but has delayed it due to low consumer demand. The tech giant also has little market share in the notebook market.

Samsung was weighing its options and will launch its foldable notebooks during the second half of next year when it believes consumer demand will recover, sources said.

Meanwhile, it was considering procuring the foldable OLED panel from either Samsung Display or BOE, they added.

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