UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
LG Display supplies two tandem OLED to Dell
LG Display supplies two tandem OLED to Dell
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2024.05.30 07:33
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XPS13 first notebook to sport two-stack tandem OLED
Image: Dell
Image: Dell

LG Display has supplied its two-stack tandem OLED panel to Dell’s notebook, TheElec has learned.

It is the first time that the OLED tech is being used on a notebook.

Dell’s XPS13 will use LG Display’s 13-inch OLED panel. The notebook offers a liquid crystal display (LCD) model and an OLED model. The LCD model is 15.3mm thick when closed and weighs 1.19kg while the OLED model has a thickness of 14.8mm and weighs 1.17kg. The OLED model also offers a touch screen.

A two-stack tandem OLED has two emission layers rather than one as in single-stack OLED panels.

This means it offers higher brightness and also has a longer lifespan.

Notebooks and tablets are used longer than smartphones so this means more of them are expected to use two-stack tandem OLED panels.

Apple’s latest iPad Pros unveiled earlier this month are the first to use the technology on tablets.

LG Display has been manufacturing Tandem OLED panels at its E6-4 facility in Paju, South Korea since the first quarter this year.

It is expected to ship around 100,000 units of the panel before the month’s end for Dell. The facility is also manufacturing the OLED panels used by Cupertino. LG Display has so far spent 3.4 trillion won in E6-4.

Samsung Display is also supplying two-stack tandem OLED panels to Apple for the 11-inch model of iPad Pro. LG Display is supplying panels for both the 11-inch and 13-inch models.

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