UPDATED. 2024-10-14 10:38 (월)
Hanwha Momentum aims to launch wafer OHT
Hanwha Momentum aims to launch wafer OHT
  • Noh Tae Min
  • 승인 2024.08.21 07:24
  • 댓글 0
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To compete with Semes, SFA
Image: Hanwha Momentum
Image: Hanwha Momentum

Hanwha Momentum is planning to launch its own overhead hoist transport (OHT) used to transport wafers during chip production.

The company has been developing the equipment since last year in February, it revealed in its latest filings to financial authorities on Tuesday.

Hanwha Momentum said it finished development of load port module and equipment front end module needed for OHT in May.

The stocker, where the carriers themselves are stocked, is also underdevelopment, the company said.

Hanwha Momentum was formed in July when it split off from Hanwha Corporation, which owns 100% of the shares in the company.

It manufactures fab, battery, display, and logistics equipment.

In South Korea, Semes and SFA are the most well-known suppliers of OHT and stocks to domestic chipmakers.

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