UPDATED. 2024-11-12 07:26 (화)
Genesem to post record profit thanks to high demand for HBM production kits
Genesem to post record profit thanks to high demand for HBM production kits
  • JY Han
  • 승인 2024.10.18 09:35
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Mainstays saw singulation, EMI shielding kits also selling strong
Image: Genesem
Image: Genesem

Chip packaging equipment maker Genesem is expected to record its highest annual profit to date this year, South Korean analysts say.

This is thanks to the strong sales of its saw singulation machine and electromagnetic interference (EMI) shielding equipment, its traditional mainstays, in addition to the revenues from equipment used in the production of high-bandwidth memory (HBM), chips which are in high demand from the AI boom.

Analysts say Genesem accumulated early- to mid-50 billion won in revenue up to the third quarter, which is already its highest to date for the time period.

They expect the company to record approximately 70 billion won for the entire year of 2024 __ which is higher than its record annual revenue of 59.7 billion won in 2021.

Sources told TheElec that Genesem beat competitors to win large orders for its saw singulation machine from smartphone makers and chip firms.

The machines are used to cut out dies from the wafer. A saw is used in this process to separate individual dies __ hence the name singulation. Genesem’s rivals calls its equipment Vision Placement.

Genesem won over its rival in EMI shielding equipment orders. Chip companies put their chips through a sputtering process to prevent electromagnetic interruption. In sputtering, the wafer in a vacuum state hits plasma on the material to be deposited to form a thin layer over the wafer. 

Genesem’s equipment is used before and after the sputtering process. The chips are sawed and realigned; after sputtering, the chip is picked off again. Conventional EMI shielding equipment had two stages of realignment, where after the chips are sawed, they are moved on trays before being placed on PI films again. Genesem’s kit skips the part where the chips are placed on the trays: they are placed on PI films immediately after sawing. This shortening of the process has made its kit popular to customers, the sources said.

The equipment used in the production of HBM is expected to be the biggest contributor to the company’s revenue this year. The equipment is used to place and remove films on the wafer during handling in the back-end process.

Genesem is also developing a hybrid bonding equipment that is expected to be used in HBM production. 

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  • 제호 : THE ELEC, Korea Electronics Industry Media
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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행인 : JY HAN
  • 편집인 : JY HAN
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