UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
POSCO Chemical develops next-gen battery anode 'NCMA'
POSCO Chemical develops next-gen battery anode 'NCMA'
  • Stan Lee
  • 승인 2019.12.04 04:14
  • 댓글 0
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To woo clients alongside of NCM811
POSCO Chemical's battery anode production facilities in Gumi.
POSCO Chemical's battery anode production facilities in Gumi.

POSCO Chemical has developed NCMA anode, considered as the next generation material for EV batteries, according to industry sources on Dec. 2.

NCMA anode is said to have an energy density of 205mAh/g, and a DSC of 234 degrees Celsius – this is even higher than the N8x the firm recently developed with a DSC of 219 degrees. The higher the temperature, the bigger the stability.

The new material is likely to be produced from the company’s plant in Gwangyang. Currently, the plants 1 and 2 are producing NCM622. The NCM811 or the NCMA can all be produced here.

But the NCMA won’t become fully commercialized until 2020 when its DSC has been raised to 235 degrees and its energy density to 220mAh/g. POSCO Chemical hopes to sell them alongside of the NCM811 anode.

The development of NCMA is significant, industry watchers say, because it has applied a special coating on the nickel, or added a bit of aluminum to make them safer and more stable. This is because although high nickel content means the EVs will run longer on a single charge, stability and battery life is usually compromised.

Companies like LG Ghem, Cosmo AM&T and Eco ProBM are also developing NCMA. Each has an energy density of around 220mAh/g with nickel content of about 88%.

Despite the strengths, some experts don’t expect a swift shift to NCM811 or NCMA when there is still NCM622. “There is the issue of battery life,” said one industry expert. "The market will be waiting to see just how these companies can add aluminum to keep the nickel in check.”

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행일 : 2018-10-15
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