UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Samsung Electronics’ to debut bezel-less TV at CES
Samsung Electronics’ to debut bezel-less TV at CES
  • Jongjun LEE
  • 승인 2019.12.30 06:21
  • 댓글 0
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World’s first design of its kind

Samsung Electronics will be introducing its premium, bezel-less TV at the upcoming Consumer Electronics Show (CES) in 2020, according to sources on Dec. 27.

During an internal meeting ahead of the launch, CE chief Kim Hyun-seok XX and other executives gave the product a two-thumbs up, the sources said. Samsung plans to mass produce the TV beginning February, indicating that it’s more than a superficial technology.

What Samsung did was eliminate the bezel for TVs sized 65 inches and larger. Instead, it chose to more closely weld together the display panel and the main body. Equipment from Shinsegye Engineering was used for this process. Another local supplier, Taehwa Precision, supplied the parts for the equipment.

“Unlike other so-called ‘zero-bezel’ products that actually still had bezels, this product really doesn’t have a bezel,” said one developer who worked closely with the project. “Samsung has become the first in the world to realize such an extreme design.”

He added that some critics at the electronic giant’s image display division have voiced concern about structural integrity, namely the possible separation between the panel and the main body.

Bezel indicates the outside frame of a computer, monitor or any other computing device. Bezel is the unit based on which developers and designers can evaluate the overall perimeter of the device and its possible ramifications.

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