UPDATED. 2024-10-09 10:30 (수)
Telechips to provide monitoring solution for Xilinx cars
Telechips to provide monitoring solution for Xilinx cars
  • Jeon Dong Yeob
  • 승인 2020.01.13 05:13
  • 댓글 0
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To be applied to Dolphin3

Telechips will be deploying the In Cabin Monitoring System (ICMS) solution for US-based FPGA company Xilinx, marking the first time for the two firms to work together.

Telechips said on Jan. 9 that the vehicle safety solution – also known as the Driver Monitoring System (DMS) would be applied to the Xilinx’s Dolphin 3, a high-end product scheduled to be launched this year.

Telechips specializes in designing semiconductors for automobile infotainment systems. The firm is currently rolling out products cockpit system.

The cockpit system indicates the in-cabin system involving technology such as infotainment, the head-up-display and digital cluster. Telechips is developing high-caliber products enabling the cockpit system to work with a single chip-set.

According to IHS Markit, the global DMS market is expected to reach $400 million by 2025 to grow by more than 10 times from 2019.
Telechips plans to send its Dolphin 3 engineering samples to its clients this year in aim to begin mass production in 2021.

“We plan to continue collaborating with partners to offer our clients a wider range of ICMS functions through the Dolphin 3,” said a Telechips official.


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