UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Half of smartphones sold in 2020 to be 5G handsets
Half of smartphones sold in 2020 to be 5G handsets
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.04.12 21:58
  • 댓글 0
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Counterpoint expects sales to reach 8.4m
5G version of Samsung's Galaxy A90
5G version of Samsung's Galaxy A90

5G-enabled smartphones are expected to account for up to half of the smartphones sold in South Korea in2020, according to market research firm Counterpoint on April 9.

The firm said up to 8.4 million 5G smartphones will be sold this year, which is around 48% of the projected smartphone sales for 2020. In 2019, around 28% of the total number of smartphones sold were 5G handsets.

This year, up to 13 types of 5G smartphones are to be launched. Samsung Electronics and LG Electronics are expected to unveil 5G smartphones not only among its flagship models, but also among its budget phones as well. In 2019, Samsung and LG had released 7 types of 5G phones, mostly flagship models.

In the first half of 2020, Samsung will be launching 5G models for its Galaxy A7 and Galaxy 51 lineup. In the latter half, a 5G version of the Galaxy A91 will be released. LG Electronics will be launching its mass premium model, the G9, in 5G mode. In the latter half of this year, it will be applying 5G to its budget Q series as well. Apple also will be releasing its first 5G iphone in the latter half.

This year, the US and China are expected to each account for 26% and 36% of the global 5G smartphone market when not considering the coronavirus situation. Out of the global smartphone market, 5G smartphones are expected to account for 4%.


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