UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Chip testing solution firm Exicon expands into image sensors
Chip testing solution firm Exicon expands into image sensors
  • Shin haehyun
  • 승인 2020.04.25 22:02
  • 댓글 0
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Aiming to complete solution in 2020

Local semiconductor testing solution firm Exicon is developing a CMOS (CIS tester) image sensor testing solution to expand its horizons, according to industry sources on April 17.

The solution is to be completed within this year, with aim to begin supplying major local clients beginning in 2021, they said. Exicon has been developing the solution since being chosen for a government-funded project in 2019. Exicon company officials said the firm has already completed the main platform that will form the basis of the new solution.

“We have already finished creating the non-memory SoC tester platform, baesd on which we can try out various testing solutions for DDI, CIS, LED and others,” said one Exicon official.

The global memory chip testing market is currently dominated by Japan’s Advantest, while in the non-memory market Exicon is venturing into is ruled by US-based Teradyne.

In 2019, Exicon spent KRW 11.6 billion on RD, which is about 37% more than the year before. Its mainstay had been in testing solutions for memory chips such as DRAM, NAND Flash and SSD. Once the CIS testers become commercialized, it would mark the company’s first example of raising money from the non-memory chip sector.


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