UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
Samsung Electronics to be supplied LCDs by Sharp
Samsung Electronics to be supplied LCDs by Sharp
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.05.06 08:16
  • 댓글 0
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Nikkei reports say 1m or less

South Korea’s Samsung Electronics will be supplied once again by Sharp Corp. with large-sized LCD panels, according to publications Nikkei and Sankei on May 2.

This would mark the fourth time for Sharp to supply Samsung. The panels are to be shipped to Samsung by the end of this year. Following its acquisition to Foxconn in 2016, Sharp had severed the LCD panel relationship with Samsung, forcing the South Korean tech firm to purchase panels from LG Display.

Nikkei expected Samsung to supply only up to 1 million panels. This would be around 2.3% of the 42.7 million of the LCD-fitted TVs produced by Samsung in 2019. Sharp would be supplying the panels via its affiliate SDP, which is likely to get a boost in its bottom line after losing money.

Samsung Display accounts for about 30% of the LCD TV panels produced by Samsung Electronics, followed by Taiwan’s AUO and Innolux – an affiliate of Foxconn. From China, BOE and CSOT account for around 10%. Samsung Display and AUO supplies mostly to the high-end TV models, while BOE and CSOT supplies the budget models.


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