UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
KT deploy autonomous carts with 5G at warehouses
KT deploy autonomous carts with 5G at warehouses
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.05.25 16:35
  • 댓글 0
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The telco touts increase in efficiency for logistics amid COVID-19 social distancing
KT says the autonomous carts will reduce staff's workload. Image: KT
KT says the autonomous carts will reduce staff's workload. Image: KT

South Korean telco KT has deployed autonomous carts with 5G connectivity at its warehouses for smartphones, the company announced.

The carts, which comes in two versions, were co-developed by South Korean autonomous robot developer Twinny.

Called NarGo, one version will have one cart leading multiple carts trailing behind it, like a freight train. It is designed to carry large quantity of cargo.

The other version called TarGo is a single cart that follows a designated person and will help with assortment duties of staff.

They will alleviate workloads and increase efficient for warehouse staff, the telco said.

KT said a trail deployment at one of its warehouses showed that the decreased the moving distance of staff there by 47%.

The carts use 5G connectivity and a monitoring system will collect data from their movements.

The telco said it wanted to connect this system later the with cloud for the carts to be deployed at larger and more varied logistic businesses going forward, such as hospitals and libraries.

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