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Samsung prepares to apply time series database in Vietnam 
Samsung prepares to apply time series database in Vietnam 
  • Jong Jun Lee
  • 승인 2020.06.16 18:59
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Machbase' time series DBMS to upgrade smart factory
Image: Machbase
Image: Machbase

Samsung Electronics was preparing to apply Time Series DataBase Management System (DBMS) at its smartphone factory in Vietnam, people familiar with matter told TheElec on Tuesday.

It will be applied in the second half of the year at earliest, they said.

Samsung Electronics’ Global Technology Center (GTC) recently signed a purchase agreement for the system with South Korean database firm Machbase, they said.

GTC is Samsung Electronics’ control tower for its worldwide manufacturing and was developing the solution based on Machbase’s time series DBMS.

A smart factory aims to have little human interference as possible while being able to react to contingencies quickly. 

Artificial intelligence (AI) is used to manage the system. The more data AI has, the more accurate it becomes. More factories have a diverse range of sensors and Internet of Things (IoT) technology applied to collect the temperature, pressure and humidity, which, in turn, has increased the amount of data that needs to be processed.

Time series DBMS was developed to handle this increased amount of data and replace the previous relational DBMS.

Andrew Sungjin Kim, CEO of Machbase, said the company was the only South Korean company that succeeded in commercializing time series DBMS. It received first place in the IoT area from global benchmark institute Transaction Processing Performance Council (TPC), Kim stressed.

Machbase placed first, second and third on TPC’s TPCx-IoT benchmark. The score for first place was 2.48 million IoT data per second, three times higher than fourth place’s 742,256 IoT data per second. The measurement wad done with Supermicro’s A+ server that uses AMD CPU. At the time of testing, AMD has requested co-testing with Machbase via South Korea’s Telecommunications Technology Association.

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