UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Kolen developing 64MP lens
Kolen developing 64MP lens
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.08.14 09:13
  • 댓글 0
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They will likely be on Galaxy phones launching in 2021
Image: Kolen
Image: Kolen

Kolen was developing three 64MP lens, the company said on Thursday.

It was following request from a major client, the lens maker said. It didn’t name its client.

Kolen is a supplier to Samsung Electronics. The South Korean tech giant has used 64MP lens for its premium smartphones last year and expanding its deployment to lower tier models this year.

The lens were smartphone launching next year, a Kolen spokesperson said. It was also developing a 48MP lens, they said. All the lens will begin supply within the second half of 2020, they added.

Kolen was expanding its Vietnamese factory for the goods. Earlier this month, the company said it plans to secure 18 billion won in funding through the issuance of new shares. 

The expansion will increase lens production at its factory in Vietnam to the current 6 million units per month to 13 million units per month. It will also produce more 5P and 6P lens through the expansion, the company said.

Kolen is also planning to transfer some of its production in the Philippines to Vietnam. Its factory in the Philippines currently has a production rate of 9 million units per month but whether it can operate normally is uncertain due to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The South Korean lens maker offers a wide range of resolution in its lens offerings from over 48MP pixel ones to those for wide angle, depth, telephoto as well as time of flight (ToF).

The company spokesperson said its sales in the first half of 2020 was hurt by the virus outbreak but it expects its earnings to recover in the remainder of the year.

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