UPDATED. 2024-11-06 17:16 (수)
Swagelok acquires assets of its Korea agency to ‘directly manage’ Korean business
Swagelok acquires assets of its Korea agency to ‘directly manage’ Korean business
  • JY HAN
  • 승인 2019.01.25 15:36
  • 댓글 0
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It released a reusable diaphragm valve with replacement parts
[Semicon Korea 2019 Exhibitor]

Swagelok, a company that provides fluid management (fittings, valves, hoses) solutions for semiconductor production lines, has decided to manage the Korean market directly. In the meantime, the company has expanded its business through domestic agencies, but, as it acquired the agency assets recently, it will strengthen sales and technical support for its customers.

Swagelok Korea said it had transferred and received all its operating assets from Seoul Fluid System Technologies (Seoul FST) at the end of last year. Swagelok Korea has also succeeded all the employees hired by Seoul FST. About 80 people are currently working for the company. Swagelok Korea is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Swagelok Company in the United States.

Lee Jae-young, CEO of Swagelok Korea, said, "We are going to become a company that provides solutions for problem-solving rather than providing products only to customers. The acquisition of the Seoul FST assets was completed from the same perspective." CEO Lee added, "We provide technical training, fluid system evaluation, and advisory services to our customers."

Lee Jae-young, CEO of Swagelok Korea, is introducing its valve range.
Lee Jae-young, CEO of Swagelok Korea, is introducing its valve range.

Swagelok was the first company to invent tube fittings in 1947. A tube fitting refers to a part that connects two separate tubes. It has its headquarters and production facility in Cleveland, USA. The company is operating its offices in 70 countries. Swagelok started its business with tube fittings and has expanded its business to hoses and valves. Swagelok's fluid management products are key components in specialty gas supply facilities and general equipment at semiconductor manufacturing plants. The company's annual sales are $2 billion.

Swagelok Korea will demonstrate reusable DPX and PDF series diaphragm valves through field maintenance at Semicon Korea 2019. The diaphragm valve is a part that can precisely control the fluid flowing in the gas cabinet of the semiconductor production line. Usually, these valves need to be replaced when they are old, but Swagelok products can be reused by replacing internal fittings (seats) with special tools. CEO Lee said, "It can bring the effect of cost reduction and convenience of equipment supply."

In addition to the diaphragm valves, Swagelok introduced the HF series static pressure regulator, a device that keeps pressure steady and constant, and a quick connector that is highly capable of maintaining tightness against temperature and pressure changes compared to competitors' products.

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  • 청소년보호책임자 : Stan LEE
  • 법인명 : The Elec Inc.
  • 제호 : THE ELEC, Korea Electronics Industry Media
  • 등록번호 : 서울, 아05435
  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행일 : 2018-10-15
  • 발행인 : JY HAN
  • 편집인 : JY HAN
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