UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
LAT aims for 20 billion won in sales next year
LAT aims for 20 billion won in sales next year
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2020.10.29 17:06
  • 댓글 0
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It aims to enter Samsung Display’s supply chain
Image: LAT
Image: LAT

Semiconductor and display panel equipment company LAT is aiming to grow by a 100% next year.

It will need to enter Samsung Display’s supply chain for organic light emitting diode (OLED) production.

Samsung Display and LG Display will also need to expand their investment into OLED panels.

LAT CEO Park Kang-il said the company was aiming for sales between 18 billion won to 20 billion won in 2021.

It was hoping that its OLED transportation equipment to contribute 10 billion won in sales.

The equipment transports the OLED in production from process to process and needs to protect it from contamination while doing so.

They account for 70% of LAT’s current sales.

Sputter equipment used in thin film deposition is also an important revenue stream for the company. 

The company recently improved the efficiency of its sputters and they can no deposit two masks simultaneously, CEO Park said.

Next year, sputter for metal masks and another sputter currently in development will contribute to its sales, he said.

LAT was also aiming to enter Samsung Display’s supply chain. Park said it was collaborating with a tier-1 Samsung Display vendor.

LAT has previously supplied its transportation and sputter equipment to LG Display via SNTek and Anesto __ the pair supplied LAT equipment to LG Electronics, LG Display and Tianma of China.

Anesto was in talks with BOE for equipment supply, Park said, and LAT is expecting more orders for sputters.

Park said the company expected benefits if Samsung and LG expand their investments into OLED next year.

LAT was founded in 2014 and is based at Suwon. It listed on KONEX in 2018. The company posted 10.7 billion won in sales last year. It is expecting sales of 10 billion won this year.

Image: LAT
Image: LAT


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