UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Applied and Besi to collaborate in chip bonding solution
Applied and Besi to collaborate in chip bonding solution
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2020.11.04 18:31
  • 댓글 0
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COE to be setup in Singapore
Image: Applied Materials
Image: Applied Materials

Applied Materials and BE Semiconductor Industries (Besi) will collaborate in developing die-based hybrid boding equipment solution, the companies aid.

The two will collaborate in developing the co-development program as well as a Center of Excellence (COE) for the program.

The pair will each offer their competence in front-end and back-end for a combined hybrid boding solution, they said.

Applied Material’s etching, flattening, deposition, cleaning, measuring, inspecting process will be combined with Besi’s up-die placement, interconnect and assembly solutions.

The CEO will be located at Applied Material’s advanced packaging development center in Singapore. The center already has a class 10 cleanroom and a full line of wafer level packaging equipment.

Die-based hybrid bonding connects chips and the remaining architecture of high performance computing, artificial intelligence and 5G devices.

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