UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
SKC aiming to secure world’s largest copper foil production capacity in 2025
SKC aiming to secure world’s largest copper foil production capacity in 2025
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.03.23 05:51
  • 댓글 0
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Firm aims to expand production capacity by 5 times
Image: SKC
Image: SKC

SKC on Monday said it has signed a MOU to rent lands at Kota Kinabalu Industrial Mark (KKIP) in Malaysia to build a copper foil plant there.

The online signing ceremony was attended by Malaysia’s Prime Minister Muhyiddin Yassin.

SKC and its subsidiary SK Nexilis will rent 400,000 meter-square of land at KKIP for 30 years for the plant.

It will be SKC’s first factory based abroad outside of South Korea. The company will invest around 700 billion won to start construction this year of a factory with a production capacity of 50,000 metric tonnes per year.

Once the factory goes live in 2023, SKC will have a global total production capacity of 102,00 metric tonnes per year for copper foils.

SKC and SK Nexilis is aiming to expand its production capacity by five times to what it has now by 2025. SK Nexilis will have the world’s largest production capacity for copper foils if the goal is met.

A SKC spokesperson said its plant in Jeongeup, South Korea will run at 100% capacity to meet rising demand.

The company was also working to accelerate when the fifth factory begins operation.

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