UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
DB HiTek develops global shutter and SPAD processes for image sensors 
DB HiTek develops global shutter and SPAD processes for image sensors 
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.04.16 16:52
  • 댓글 0
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Company to start multi-project wafer service in September 
Image: DB HiTek
Image: DB HiTek

DB HiTek is planning to expand its image sensor foundry business.

The company said on Friday that it has developed global shutter and single-photon avalanche diode (SPAD) processes based on its 110-nanometer (nm) platform.

The South Korean foundry will begin multi-wafer project program for fabless customers starting in September.

Global shutters are being used in industrial machine vision, automobiles, drones and other applications.

DB HiTek’s global shutter uses 110nm back side illumination, and has light shield and light guide technologies applied. The company said it offers 99.99% global shutter efficiency and pixel size as small as 2.8 micrometers.

SPAD measures the time of flight of light that bounces back to the sensor from the object to calculate the distance apart. It is being used in lidar for cars as well as in smartphones and CCTVs. DB HiTek said it has secured 3.8% @905nm photon detection probability with its 110nm front side illumination process. The company plans to secure a back side illumination process and secure a photo detection probability of up to 7% @905nm.

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