UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Samsung Display touts dark mode on OLED panel of Galaxy Book Pro
Samsung Display touts dark mode on OLED panel of Galaxy Book Pro
  • Gijong Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.06 20:39
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Saves power by 25%, firm claims
Image: Samsung Display
Image: Samsung Display

Samsung Display said on Thursday that its OLED panels for panel can lowered its power consumption by 25% when its dark mode is on.

The South Korean display maker supplied the panels for Samsung Electronics’ newly unveiled Galaxy Book Pro series of notebooks.

Samsung Display said the notebooks’ batteries lasted 11 hours on dark mode, based on measurement made with Mobile Mark 2108 Scenario. On white mode, batteries lasted 9.9 hours, the company claimed.

When in dark mode, the on pixel ratio will decrease, which allows the notebooks to use less power.

This is thanks to OLED’s black being expressed by turning the pixels off, unlike liquid crystal displays that have their backlighting turned on even when expressing black, Samsung Display said.

Apple, Microsoft, Google, Adobe and other companies also offer dark mode in their  products and services.

Samsung Display is planning to launch over 10 kinds of OLED panels for notebooks, ranging from 13.3-inches to 16-inches in size.

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