UPDATED. 2024-09-12 07:50 (목)
Pixelplus to expand supply of SVM total solution for cars
Pixelplus to expand supply of SVM total solution for cars
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.21 19:36
  • 댓글 0
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Firm touts that it has SoC, ISP, image sensor and transmission techs needed for total solution
Image: Pixelplus
Image: Pixelplus

Pixelplus is expected to supply more of its surround view monitor (SVM) total solution for automobiles going forward, a company executive said.

The company has secured the technologies for the system-on-a-chip (SoC), image signal processor (ISP), image sensor and transmission IC that are required for SVM, executive director Kwak Mal-sub said.

Its SVM total solution, PI5008K, has been supplied to Japanese automobile giants such as Mitsubishi and Toyota as a port installed option (PIO) through a Taiwanese car component firm since the second half of last year, Kwak said.

Stitching technology, in which images filmed by around four cameras are “stitched” together to one, is the most crucial in the SoC used for SVM, the executive said.

Transmission technology to send signal back and forth between each sensors and the SoC is also crucial, Kwak said.

If a SVM were to use image sensor and ISP made by different companies, they will have different color temperatures, noises and white balances that will take months of tuning to optimize quality, Kwak said.

But as Pixelplus provides all the needed technologies in a SVM, this can save time for customers and make them easily customized, he added.

Besides PIO, the company also plans to expand supply of SVM to automobiles before market (BM), also through a tier-1 supplier, the executive said.

Meanwhile, Pixelplus have been supplying image sensors, ISP and SoC for SVM to an automobile company based in Chongqing, China since 2019.

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