UPDATED. 2024-10-11 08:28 (금)
DB HiTek CEO's bonus jumps amid record earnings 
DB HiTek CEO's bonus jumps amid record earnings 
  • Nari Lee
  • 승인 2021.05.27 22:06
  • 댓글 0
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Vice chairman Choi triple payment
DB HiTek vice chairman Choi Chang-sik Image: DB HiTek
DB HiTek vice chairman Choi Chang-sik Image: DB HiTek

DB HiTek vice chairman and CEO Choi Chang-sik saw his salary last year triple from a year prior due to high bonus payments from strong performances of the company.

Choi received a total of 3.418 billion won in remuneration last year, the company said. He received 782 billion won in salary and 2.636 billion won in bonus in total for 2020.

The total amount if more than three times that of his remuneration of 1.091 billion won in 2019.

The vice chairman’s remuneration for 2020 is also five times that of DB Group chairman Kim Nam-ho’s for the same year.

For the first quarter of 2021 alone, Choi also received 1.896 billion won in bonuses. 

A DB HiTek spokesperson said the high number of bonus was given thanks to the strong performances of the company, which is at its highest ever.

An ex-Samsung Man, Choi joined DB HiTek in 2012 and turned the loss-making business unit of DB Group into a cash cow it is today.

South Korean analysts expect DB HiTek to record over 1 trillion won in annual sales this year.

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