UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Tesla tops EV unit sales in 1st half of 2021
Tesla tops EV unit sales in 1st half of 2021
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2021.08.23 17:35
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According to SNE Research
Image: Tesla
Image: Tesla

Tesla was again the top seller of electric vehicles during the first half of 2021, according to SNE Research.

The company sold 390,000 units of battery electric vehicles (BEV), securing a market share of 22%.

Shanghai GM Wuling took second place with 10.7% market share, followed by BYD with 5.4%.

Hyundai Motor doubled its EVs sales to 51,000 units, but only held a share of 2.9%, ranking sixth overall.

In plug-in hybrid EVs, or PHEVs, European car brands showed strong growth.

BMW controlled 12.9% market share with 106,000 unit sales, followed by Mercedes which held a market share of 10.1% with 83,000 units.

Volvo was third place in plug-in hybrid EVs, with 9.1% market share of 75,000 unit sales.

Kia ranked ninth with 3.6% market share and 29,000 unit sales.

Image: SNE Research
Image: SNE Research
Image: SNE Research
Image: SNE Research


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