UPDATED. 2024-11-08 07:55 (금)
Xavis to lead EV battery inspection kit project
Xavis to lead EV battery inspection kit project
  • Lee Sang Won
  • 승인 2021.09.14 15:03
  • 댓글 0
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Government to provide 1.38 billion won in funding
Image: Xavis
Image: Xavis

Xavis has been chosen by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to lead a national project to develop an AI-based x-ray inspection kit for batteries.

The company will develop a 15ppm system under the project.

Xavis will spend 2.018 billion won for the project __ 1.38 billion won will be provided by the government.

The deadline is December 2023.

Faster inspection usually means the x-ray image resolution becomes lower, lowering the accuracy of the system to find defects.

AI software will be used to convert these low resolution images to high resolution images, Xavis explained.

The company said it also plans to pair a 3D inspection kit with a 2D one to increase inspection speed and accuracy even further.

Xavis is also part of two other national projects __ one to develop 3D x-ray to inspect chips and another to develop x-ray robots to detect bombs.

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