UPDATED. 2024-10-04 18:35 (금)
Haesung Optics to develop electric ship with Humax
Haesung Optics to develop electric ship with Humax
  • Yang Tae Hoon
  • 승인 2021.10.21 14:44
  • 댓글 0
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Image: Haesung Optics
Image: Haesung Optics

Haesung Optics will collaborate with Humax Mobility and Electrine to develop a platform and the technology for electric ships.

Haesung Optics said the company will develop the ship and battery monitoring system; Humax will develop the platform and charging system; and Electrine will develop the motor system.

Haesung Optics manufactures optical image stabilization actuators that are used in camera modules of smartphones.

It is developing its geographic information system and location-based service businesses as new growth engines.

The company said it aims to combine its camera module technology with new location technologies to develop a mobile monitoring system for land, sea, air and railroads.

It will also use 3D lidar sensors for its mapping business, Haesung Optics added.

The company had exited its lens and camera module businesses in September. It is keeping its OIS business.

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