UPDATED. 2024-10-02 20:46 (수)
Mando to develop Level 3 lidar for Hyundai Motor
Mando to develop Level 3 lidar for Hyundai Motor
  • Yang Tae Hoon
  • 승인 2021.11.01 15:51
  • 댓글 0
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To begin supply in 2025
Image: SOS Lab
Image: SOS Lab

Mando and SOS Lab will develop a lidar that can support Level 3 autonomous driving by 2025 to supply to Hyundai Motor, TheElec has learned.

The fixed 3D lidar sensor that the pair are developing will be used by Hyundai Motor in 2025 at the earliest and 2026 at the latest, people familiar with the matter said.

The lidar being developed by Mando and SOS Lab doesn’t have a spinning device on the lidar like previous counterparts in the market and is smaller, they said.

It uses high output laser to detect the shapes of the objects around it and costs less than 500,000 per unit, they said.

Mando invested 2 billion won into SOS Lab in 2018 to enter the fixed lidar market.

It is currently also leading a national project given by the Ministry of Trade, Industry and Energy to develop a high resolution 3D fixed lidar.

Mando’s parent company Halla Holdings also announced in August that it was partnering up with autonomous driving startups Controlworks and Acelab to enter the after-market for electric and autonomous vehicles.

Halla is planning to sell the lidar developed by Mando and SOS Lab through its distribution channel in the after-market, the people added.

Meanwhile, Mando recorded 1.43 trillion won in revenue and 53.2 billion won in operating income during the third quarter, a drop of 4.4% and 19%, respectively, from a year agoo.

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  • 등록일 : 2018-10-15
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