UPDATED. 2024-10-07 19:31 (월)
Hyundai Kefico to start manufacturing electric 2-wheeler
Hyundai Kefico to start manufacturing electric 2-wheeler
  • Yang Tae Hoon
  • 승인 2021.11.30 10:26
  • 댓글 0
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Firm aiming to expand in Europe 
Image: Hyundai Kefico
Image: Hyundai Kefico

Hyundai Kefico is planning to collaborate with KR Motors and LG Energy Solution to manufacture a new water cooling electric 2-wheeled vehicle, TheElec has learned.

The vehicle, called e-lution (model name HKR-68E), runs on Hyundai Kefico’s 6.8kW motor and uses water cooling to manage heat.

LG Energy Solution will be supplying the NCM battery used in the vehicle, which will allow the 2-wheeled vehicle to drive 140km in one charge and run at 90km per hour.

KR Motors said the partners plan to launch the model in South Korea first, then Southeast Asia.

In the long run, the companies want to launch a vehicle in Europe, the firm said.

KR Motors was currently collaborating with LG Energy Solution on a battery swap system, it said. It has also provided the vehicles to local food delivery services to trial the vehicle, KR Motors added.

Hyundai Kefico and KR Motors were also currently developing a 2-wheeled vehicle with a 3kW motor, which will start production in 2022, KR Motors also said.

Meanwhile, Hyundai Kefico is also planning to supply its 2-wheeled vehicle drive systems to companies in India and Indonesia, as well as Vietnam’s Vinfast.

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